Black Snake Moan (2006)

The 2000's had a number of forgotten films, this is one of them. Truly, an underrated, fun, intense, meaningful film that packs a mighty punch. Christina Ricci is lightening. A career highpoint. Samuel L. Jackson, as always, is fantastic. The story itself is as gritty as any blues jam. Convincingly talks about chance, faith, sacrifice and self-worth. Dark as it may be.. and by God it is, there's a wholesomeness that is unexpected and quite frankly, welcomed. On a side note, Samuel L. Jackson cuts his hand on a bottle and rubs his blood on a victims face here.. just like DiCaprio, his co-star in Django Unchained. Is it sheer coincidence, or was DiCaprio paying some homage we didn't know about in 2012? We will never know, but the parallel is eerie to say the least.


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