Dazed and Confused (1993)

What's a hangout movie? It's the kind of film where all of the characters feel like you know them. They were your friends in high school, friends you haven't seen in a long time. Dazed and Confused is that kind of movie. It doesn't have a big story, and it's not something to overanalyze in a film school discussion, it's just an awesome movie. It's all about high school in the 70's, and their standing in the social hierarchy. The jocks, the popular girls, the nerds, the hippies, the stoners and right in between you have Matthew McConaughey in his first role. Alright, Alright, Alright. We even have Ben Affleck in his debut role as the creep with the paddle. It's never really explained why he has such a fetish for spanking freshman boys, but it's assumed that's what bullies did back then. Odd. Don't forget about that soundtrack. It's as amazing as most 70's period piece films are.
Alright, Alright, Alright


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