Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)

If there ever was an entire film that served as a PSA for the dangers of hallucinogens, this is it. But, if there ever was a film that made apparent of the confusing, dangerous and heavily sedated time of the 1960's, this is also it. Fear and Loathing is an avant-garde gem. One of the most overlooked comedies of all-time. Based on the book by Hunter S. Thompson, you will be completely taken within the first few seconds of the film. It's beautifully demented. It's a hell of an experience.. don't go into this looking for any sort of cohesive narrative. Johnny Depp plays the most accurate depiction of Thompson ever put to film. Depp and Del Toro, together, give an incredible turn as method actors here. They effectively capture the ugliest side of drug addictions. They are completely off the rails. Out of bounds. Watching them lose their minds is fascinating. This is unlike anything else out there. I urge you to watch it.


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