Thank You for Your Service (2017)

There are those who drape themselves in the flag. That is one thing. It is quite another to be a patriot. Thank You for Your Service is a film that understands that. Finally, a film that rips into the tragedy of US veteran's healthcare services. We continue to fight endless wars and neglect the people who we send out to fight them. We aren't talking about a film that celebrates jingoism and blind flag waving. Thank You for Your Service is an urgent film that calls into question how patriotic we all really are. It explores the affects of PTSD on returning war veterans in devastating fashion. It is painful to see Teller's character and his fellow vets unravel back in the civilized world. Nothing is ever the same, as you would clearly expect. While nothing to really run home and rave about, Thank You for Your Service is truly a noble, righteous film and genuine in it's attempts to honor our green berets.


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