The Holy Mountain (1973)

I might be in the minority of people who loved El Topo.. but I did. So I decided to check out, at least for a little bit, The Holy Mountain. By comparison, it makes the surrealism in El Topo look like a walk in the park. This is one of the most deranged, gratuitous and uncomfortable works of shock art I've ever seen. Every element of this picture is meant to outrage.. but at the same time, meant to stimulate the human mind and wonder the human soul. Who knows? It's too far out for me to even begin. I don't recommend sitting through it all, because again, to most people a lot of this is nonsense. But, it's a strikingly beautiful piece of nonsense. This film is gorgeous to look at. The colors, and textures. The mis-en-scene in it's entirety is mind blowing. This is Jodorowsky's most sensually effective picture, and it's amazing to behold, albeit absolutely discomforting.


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