The Assassination of of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)

Wasn't 2007 a great year for movies? Zodiac, There Will Be Blood, No Country for Old Men, how about this lesser celebrated classic?

A long, brooding western. Yet it is a treasure chest of acting. Casey Affleck gives his best performance as Robert Ford. Ruthlessly envious, and yes, a coward. Brad Pitt is equally amazing as Jesse James. Deakins is one of the very best cinematographers out there, and this is some of his best work. Even when he's not with the Coen bros. he's killing it elsewhere. Storytelling style was very well done, which included a great narration that reminded me of Ricky Jay's from Magnolia. What is even more interesting than the story leading up to the assassination. is what happens after, and the guilt, or lack thereof, from Rob Ford. He wanted to become a hero, and instead, became a loser, for all the people he thought hated Jesse James, had idolized him. Tragic irony, and karma is the main theme of this film, much like Amadeus. This was a great watch.


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