Harold and Maude (1971)

Really funny, really creative for it's time and in it's own way, really heartwarming. It really reminded me of "The Graduate", with the strange male protagonist, a love affair with an age difference and songs by a popular artist of the time. It's not as good, but it did something that "The Graduate" didn't, which was having me doubled over with laughter. It gets it's humor through how subtle the dark humor is. No movie today would get away with suicide jokes, but this movie does, because of how carefree it goes about it. It's suicide slapstick, which to be fair, shouldn't exist as it's own genre. I believed in the romance, despite seeming so taboo. It 's a cult hit, but I think it would be a massive hit today, because audiences are more open to unorthodox romances. Perhaps we aren't desensitized by free love, perhaps we're just smarter about it. If you're grossed out by Harold and Maude, you aren't thinking right.


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