Glass (2019)

The third and final film of the Eastrail 177 Trilogy. Glass is an fun, enjoyable, dopey, psychological thriller. But there is something jarring about combining the Unbreakable universe with Split. Unbreakable is a dark character study about two extraordinary beings who turn out to be superheroes. Split is a dark psycho-comedy about multiple personalities. Riding on the coattails of two remarkable M. Night Shyamalan films, Glass doesn't come forward as remarkable all it's own. You need to see the first two to understand this, and that's a major flaw. Secondly, I wasn't on board with the whole idea that Kevin is in fact a superhero too. Shyamalan, in typical fashion, twists himself into a pretzel in order to make it work. In the end, he successfully pulls it together into something coherent. Will you like it? Yes. Will you remember it? Debatable.


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