The Lobster (2015)

The Lobster is a genius spark of insanity. A great introduction into the eccentric world of Yorgos Lanthimos. Colin Farrell is David, a man in his own personal hell. Welcome to a dystopian future, where single men and women are forced to establish romantic relationships, over the hanging threat that if they don't, they will be turned into an animal of their choice. .. and you thought Tinder was bad. Yorgos gleefully mocks the patriarchy, and has a ton of dark and twisted fun doing it. The characters, the dialogue, the locations among so much else are rich with humor. Unlike most independent films, you'll notice The Lobster consistently standing out on it's own. If you try and compare it to any classic or contemporary piece, you'll come up short. You may love The Lobster or hate it, but either way, you won't forget it.


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