Ready or Not (2019

Ready or Not is exactly what the end of summer needed. A quietly released indie that comes alive on the screen as an old-fashioned horror bloodbath. Take Clue and The Most Dangerous Game, and mash them together. You'll get this. Olpin and Gillett are a directing duo to continue looking out for. Once the games begin, they make sure to keep the hits coming. In Samara Weaving, a star is born, again. She's horror's next big scream queen. No really, she's got an EPIC shriek. For a lack of better phrasing, she makes this film her bitch. Just as fun to watch is Henry Cherny as the wildly over-the-top Le Domas patriarch. Aside from some minor character issues, this film has a nice flow throughout, with increasing adrenaline and tension. While at the same time, teeming with self-awareness and gleeful fun.


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