The Gentlemen (2020)

I’m not exactly sure why this film is called The Gentlemen. Maybe “Bush” was too raunchy for the MPAA? Or people would have associated it with a former president? Either way, that was the title of the screenplay of which this meta movie is based upon. This is Guy Richie’s return to form in the genre of British gangster movies. This time, however, he places himself and the genre he mastered under a parody. This is a self-aware comedy about British gangster movie cliches. A deconstructed version of Snatch, if you will. I thought I’d grow very tired of the constant winking to the audience. Yet, this film doesn’t just derive its humor through self-deprecation. It’s one of the few comedies out there that feels truly free and alive. The dialogue flows so quick and gracefully, in that classic English way. It’s just really funny throughout. I can also give the movie major props for doing three minor, but critical things that just pull everything together. One, this film might just have the only Hugh Grant performance that I didn’t hate. Out with the bashful, handsome dope, in with a foul-mouthed, pitch perfect impersonation of Michael Caine. Two, this film might hold the record for the most times the C-Word was used in dialogue, and yet, so classily that you could barely notice it. Three, this film rehabilitates the Miramax brand. Miramax was founded, and permanently tainted by Harvey Weinstein. To see it return here, under new management, is a fascinating conversation all it’s own. FOUR out of FIVE stars. 


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